47. North American Deer Farmers Association link.
48. Whitetail Education link.
49. National Whitetail Deer Education Foundation link.
50. Newport Laboratories link.
51.Here is a link to information on Lyme disease prevention.
This page was last updated on: April 11, 2014
1. Which breed of beef cattle is most susceptible to bovine pinkeye?
3. Here are a couple of further references to pink eye; one from Purdue and one from Kansas.
4. Here is another link to an article on cancer eye in cattle.
5. For more information on Leptospirosis, here is a PDF file.
6. Here is a link to VLA where you can find information on BSE.
7. Here is a link to a page at Purdue with a summary on listeriosis in cattle.
8. Here is a link to the Center for Food Security and Public Health at Iowa State University. Check out the animal disease menu.
9. For more information on a number of cattle diseases, the Iowa Beef Center has a number of publications, including on on clostridial diseases.
10. Here is a link to information about a case of botulism in cattle.
11. Here is a link to the Great Plains center.
12. There is a good list of bovine topics listed at this website. Find the cattle lameness page and look under animal factors. Which breed of dairy cattle has a hard foot? What does the color of the foot have to do with lameness?
13. What is a shoof? There is a link to information about the Shoof on this page.
14. There is a vaccine for foot rot in cattle. You can get more information here. Go to the disease selector again and this time look under footrot. What other cattle disease condition does the foot rot vaccine help prevent?
15. Read about blackleg here.
16. What is the suspected pathogenesis of typical sole ulcers in cattle? You may find the answer here. Is biotin important in hoof health in cattle?
17. There are some more references on herd lameness in cattle. One is found here.
18. Check out the NACFT website. Go to the photo gallery.
19. Here is a good website concerning prevention of lameness in cattle.
20. Here is a website with a quiz on lameness in cattle.
21. Here is a link to the University of Pennsylvania Field Services page with a link to the dairy page and further to the lameness page.
22. Which breed of dairy cattle is most likely to have curled-claw syndrome?
24. Here is a video of a robotic dairy with great cow comfort.
25. What guarding behaviours do llamas have against predators?
26. What is beserk male syndrome?
27. Here is a link to the alpaca library.
28. Check out the AASRP. You might want to become a member.
31. Here is a link to Marty McGees webpage. Here is a great site on camellid dynamics.
32. Here is a link to a farm where you can find a lot of information on llamas and camellids.
33. Here is a link to another farm with a website containing a lot of information.
34. Here is a link to the effect feral camels have on the environment in Australia.
35. What is the recent average price for velvet?
36. How much velvet will an average two year old bull grow?
37. What species are affected by this disease?
38. What is the current distribution of this disease?
39. What vaccine has been developed for reindeer? Brucellosis.
Check out the reindeer handling.
40. What method was used to round up the reindeer? Helicopters.
41. How much of the earth's land surface is used for reindeer herding?
42. Do reindeer use their horns as a first or last defense mechanism?
43. What is epizootic hemorrhagic disease?
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