This page was last updated on: July 28, 2016
1. What is the estimated number of sub-clinical cases of mastitis in a herd for every detected clinical case?
2. This website gives an overview of the basics of milking machine function.
4. What is the purported advantage of robotic milking systems? Labor savings.
Here are frequently asked questions about robotic milking systems.
5.Here is a link to a short video about milking with the robotic machine.
7.Here is some information about stray voltage. What is stray voltage with respect to mastitis and milk quality?
9. For a review of Streptococcus agalactiae mastitis check out this page from AABP.
10. Here is a link to information from McGill University in Quebec about
12. Go here for more information about udder singeing. This is a procedure used to improve milk quality. Here is a video demonstration. Also here.
13. Here is the link to NAVLE sample questions.
The USDA has some useful publications regarding animal health. Next go to this website:
Check the July 2002 issue.
14. Do indoor reared pigs benefit from more type 1 or more type 2 immunity?
Check the January 2009 issue.
15. Can humans give influenza to swine?
Go to the issue--August 2001.
16. What drug caused piglets to grow faster during the first 18 days of life?
17. What is the four poster device?
18. Check out the article on animal behavior. Why should beef cattle in a feedlot be fed in the evening?
Check the April 2006 issue.
19. What is the new anti-mastitis weapon?
Check the October 2013 issue for info about OPP and a new test for TB in cattle.
Check the October 2014 issue.
20.What new deworming agent has been discovered and studied for use in swine?
21. Are pigs fed "Paylean" more or less difficult to handle?
Next, go to this website
22. Is Lawsonia gram negative or gram positive?
23. In what year were Koch's postulates fulfilled concerning Lawsonia?
More about Lawsonia
24. What organism has now been identified as causing "wet-tail" in hamsters?
25. Where was Lawsonia infection reported in a group of foals? Oklahoma
26. What is "Stremodo" and what does it do?
Check out the links to disease and management quizzes. You do not have to take these quizzes
You should be able to find the next answers on the pighealth website, as well.
27. What is PMWS?
28. What is circovirus?
29. What is PDNS?
30. What is the greatest concern about PDNS with respect to differential diagnosis?
32. Here is a link to information about PEDV, a newer disease in the USA.
34. Here is a link to several important swine diseases on the AASP website.
From this link at OKState go to the bottom of the page and follow that link back to instructional materials at OKState by department.