This page was last updated on: June 17, 2013
1. Here is a link to a double-muscled breed of cattle from Italy, one that is being selected for the myostatin gene.
3. You may have heard about Kobe beef from Japan. Here is a link to information about this method of producing beef. These cattle are also being raised in the USA.
4. Here is a link to information about the Senepol cattle from St. Croix. You can visit the Castle Nugent on your next trip to the island.
5. Here is the link to the King Ranch. They were responsible for finding the cause of Texas tick fever and the development of the Santa Gertrudis and Santa Cruz cattle breeds and the American Quarter horse.
2. Here is a link to water buffalo dairy information.
8. What are the elements of a successful bio-balanced fly control program?
9. You can find information about fly predators here or here.
11. Check out the University of Florida Beef Cattle Publications website. How does one define a "healthy" animal or herd of animals? What is the estimated blood loss per animal per day from an economic threshhold level of horn fly infestation? Horn flies pierce the skin of cattle to suck blood and may take up to 20 meals per day. The irritation and blood loss cause cattle to lose 0.3 to 0.5 lbs per day and for dairy animals cause lower milk production. There are many interesting publications on this website that pertain to topics discussed in class.
12. Check the Merck Manual for a good article on calf diphtheria.
13. Here is an article about a unique method of vaccination.
14. Here is some information about Mannheimia and respiratory disease.
16. Of course, there is some more information at this site about respiratory disease in cattle.
17. Read about a genetically engineered shipping fever vaccine here.
18.How is it possible to have both Anaplasma marginale and cattle ticks on a property without having animal losses or clinical disease? What is this situation called?
20. In what ways do economic losses from anaplasmosis affect cattle production? Is the effectiveness of oxytetracycline therapy reduced when more than 15% of an animal's red blood cells are parasitized? Go here for answers.
21. Here is a bit of information about the only anaplasmosis vaccine available in the USA.
22. How does one control babesiosis in endemic regions? What is this process known as? Is babesiosis zoonotic? Check the Merck Veterinary Manual online for an answer.
23. Here are two links to some basic information on anthrax. one two
25. Check out the Bovine Leukosis Virus Module at this website.
You can find out about risk factors for BLV
26. Check out the this website for information about the Chekit test for BLV.
27. Check out the this website for information about other ruminant test kits.
the heart sounds. There is also a link to an abomasal sound on this website.
29. Which heart valve is usually affected with valvular vegetative endocarditis in cattle?
30. In the field, most cases of atrial fibrillation seem to be secondary to
what disease in cattle? "Hypocalcemia or milk fever" is the best answer.
32. Here is a good paper about recognizing a sick calf. There is also an good paper about BRSV.
38. Further information on abomasal displacement can be found on this website.
39. Here is another article from the ACVS about abomasal displacement and volvulus.
40. Bovine lactic acidosis is discussed on this website.
41. Here is a PDF file about Managing Clostridial Disease in Cattle.
42. For information on nutritionally related dairy cattle diseases check this one.
43. An article about Coccidiosis can be found here in a fact sheet from California.
44. For information on Johne's disease go here. Check the frequently asked questions about Johne's disease.
45. Check this website for more Johne's disease information. What are the most rapid and least costly tests for an individual cow showing clinical signs of the disease? AGID is a rapid test in cattle showing clinical signs. What test gives the best positive predictive value? Fecal Culture
48. Winter dysentery is the topic of this short paper.
50. For information about calf scours, check this website.
51. Another website with useful information about a commercial product to aid in the prevention of calf scours can be found here.
52. What is the significance of the six diseases that can be transferred via colostrum and non-pasteurized transition, whole, or waste milk?
53. Here is an excellent reference on colostrum management. What are the two most important factors in immunoglobulin transfer?
34. For a good discussion about bloat in cattle try this link. There is a lot of information in this document; but if you have questions, this is a good reference.
35. Check out the this website for information about the traumatic reticuloperitonitis.
36. Here is the link to an interesting article about vagus indigestion and if you are clever you can back up to a story about a goat.
37. The Colorado State University Diagnostic Laboratory publishes Lablines. Recently there were several articles about BVDV and testing to discover persistently infected animals. Check out Spring 2005 and Spring 2006.
54.Link to the Upenn physical examination website.